

Adr: A-1303, Horizon International Tower No.6 Zhichun Road , Haidian District Beijing 100088, P.R. China


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  Haochen SUN  







                     Haochen Sun

                  General Manager

       Patent and Trademark Attorney


Practice Areas

Patent, Trademark, Copyright, Litigation.


Mr. Sun has practiced in the intellectual property field since 1992 and has obtained experience in a broad range of complex technologies. As the founder of Kelong, Mr. Sun actively participates in international intellectual property conferences annually and has established close cooperation relationships with clients worldwide.


Peking University (B. S. in Economy Management in 1989)


Chinese, English.


北京科龍寰宇知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)代理有限責(zé)任公司 版權(quán)所有 京ICP備05018272號(hào)-1